I am really enjoying the “Advent - The Journey to Christmas” reading plan in The Bible App.
You can get the app here and read it on your own. Or, even better, read it with a wonderful group of people I am connected through via church, family, my former work, my Young Living family…We’d love to have YOU and it’s not too late. Just drop a reply if you want to be included.
By being part of our group plan, you can read the thoughts that each person that wants to shares. And you can encourage us by sharing yours - if you’d like.
Today’s devo was about the message God gave us by choosing a lowly town like Bethlehem for the birth of His son. It speaks of our weakness.
“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
It prompted these thoughts and I wanted to share them because I thought they might help someone.
Whatever you’re doing to prepare for Christmas, I pray that it includes spending time with the giver of Christmas.
How I praise God for His ability - and desire - to use us even in our weaknesses. For what strength do we have compared to His? NONE!
How He has had to keep teaching me over the years to glory in my weakness;
-In not knowing the answer or - even worse - having the wrong answer;
-In not having physical strength or ability;
-In not having the mental capacity required for certain tasks
-In being stubborn
-In my lack of faith
-In my poor time management
These are just a few examples.
Thank you, Lord, for choosing lowly parents, a runt of a town, a humble manger, outcast shepherds, and other “misfits” to show us that your ways are not our ways and that we are chosen and used by you through no strength of our own.
By being part of our group plan, you can read the thoughts that each person that wants to shares. And you can encourage us by sharing yours - if you’d like.
Today’s devo was about the message God gave us by choosing a lowly town like Bethlehem for the birth of His son. It speaks of our weakness.
“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
It prompted these thoughts and I wanted to share them because I thought they might help someone.
Whatever you’re doing to prepare for Christmas, I pray that it includes spending time with the giver of Christmas.
How I praise God for His ability - and desire - to use us even in our weaknesses. For what strength do we have compared to His? NONE!
How He has had to keep teaching me over the years to glory in my weakness;
-In not knowing the answer or - even worse - having the wrong answer;
-In not having physical strength or ability;
-In not having the mental capacity required for certain tasks
-In being stubborn
-In my lack of faith
-In my poor time management
These are just a few examples.
Thank you, Lord, for choosing lowly parents, a runt of a town, a humble manger, outcast shepherds, and other “misfits” to show us that your ways are not our ways and that we are chosen and used by you through no strength of our own.