Preparing for Easter Sunday

Preparing for Easter Sunday
I’m preparing for Easter Sunday. What does your prep for Easter Sunday look like?

* Preparing for a special meal?
* Buying or laying out spring outfits for yourself and the family?
* Filling and hiding eggs?

We don’t know much about what Jesus’ followers were doing on the Saturday after Good Friday.  It must have been a day of unimaginable grief, shock, disappointment and every other traumatic emotion you can think of.

But here’s one thing we know.

They did not expect Jesus to be out of the tomb and meeting with them on Sunday.

They did not expect the power of God to raise Jesus from the dead, although Jesus tried to prepare them for it.

BUT WE KNOW the power of the resurrection.  We know what happened on Resurrection Day.  

So my question is…Are you expecting God to be present in your service tomorrow?  Are you anticipating the same power to be at work in your church gathering tomorrow?  Are you praying to be prepared yourself and for those who gather with you to come with the same expectation that the power of God will be at work?

I am praying for our church and I am praying for you.  What could happen if we would truly grasp the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him?