Gone to Glory

This week, our daughter-in-law, Michelle passed from this life to the presence of Jesus after a 3-year battle with Stage 4 colon cancer.
After getting the word that she was gone, I thanked the Lord:
  • That she professed faith in Christ and in God’s plan above hers.  
  • That God brought her into our family.  
  • That she was such a good wife for our son.  
  • For his growth in faith over the time of this battle and his confidence in God’s plan.  
  • For God’s nearness to them.  
  • For His ministry to their daughter - during the battle and now that its over.  
  • That He will teach Clint to be a good girl-dad - one of his most fervent desires.  
People have commented that it is unfair.  We don’t understand why she would have had to suffer if she weren’t going to be healed on this side of heaven.  To which I can only respond, “We trust you, Lord.”  

In our human economy, our limited understanding of your ways, this seems cruel.  To Michelle and to her family who had to watch her fight hard and waste away.  To Clint and Erica who will have to make a life without the love of their lives.  To her Mom and Dad who shouldn’t outlive a child. To Amy who could almost read her mind.  To her extended family.  To a host of friends who testify to her loyalty and faith.

This is where those scriptures that express our inability to comprehend God’s ways come in and just believing He is good.  Because His word says so and because we have experienced it many times in our own lives.
This is where we have to remember she was pointing to Jesus her entire battle.  Unbelievers and those needing a boost in their faith saw her proclaiming the Lord’s goodness and her reliance on Him.  Their family and friends were not alone but ministered to by the Lord personally and through the church.  Their local church body and many believers (the church) far and wide through prayer.
We learned why we need the Holy Spirit to groan for us when we don’t have the words (Romans 8:27).  Because it is so hard for us to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 
Times like this are when I sometimes just have to repeat, “I trust you, Lord.”  For myself and to rebuke the evil one who will try to lie about God’s faithfulness, goodness and unending presence.
Tell the truth.  God is good.  He had a purpose and we will “understand it better by and by.”  He is ministering to us to the extent we allow it. 
Crank up the worship music.  He is worthy and she is gone to bask in His glory.

O Magnify the Lord With Me - Even in the Dark

O Magnify the Lord With Me - Even in the Dark
In whatever you are going through today, I encourage you to read  Psalm 34