Our Lent Bible reading this morning (40 Days of Lent in YouVersion) this morning was on Matthew 22:34-46. Yesterday it was verses before that where the Sadducees had tried to trap Jesus and failed miserably.
Can anyone else see the Pharisees rejoicing that the Sadducees had been stumped by Christ and then crowding around each other to decide the question they were going to ask? Doesn’t it seem like they thought sure they get the job done? The stumping, I mean.
And so He aimed right at the heart, rather than the intellect, and reminded them of love. Not just the first of the 10 commandments, but the Shema which they had been reciting since they were old enough to talk.
Lord, in these days of darkness when all seems so bleak…
In these days when there are some vast chasms between opinions about morality in our country…
In these days when we feel embattled coming out of a pandemic and into inflation and fear of war
Help US to focus on loving you because you first loved us. Loving others because of your love for us.
Thank you for Christ’s example of love for us and the price He paid to set us free to love.
Help us be good stewards of your love.
Do You Know God’s Love?
If you’ve not experienced God’s love personally - you can! Reach out here because I would love to share with you personally!