The beginning of a new year is a good time to take stock of your reasons for studying the Bible. Let's take inventory.
No matter what music style you enjoy most, worship through music that is pleasing to God, as all worship, requires inner reflection to ensure a right-heart attitude.
No matter how many people we have in our lives and how close we might feel to them, we need intimacy with our Creator. He knows us and wants us to know Him. Our relationship with Him is the only one that will completely satisfy us. Let's worship God because He is intimate.

Let’s start the year with a reprise of last year’s series of worshiping God through the alphabet. We’ll review while I prepare new installments. Aren’t you thankful God is ABOVE!

In spite of the darkness all around us in our world, there is Light. THE LIGHT. And we can walk with Him and share His light with everyone!