Even if life is in a pretty good spot for you right now, I feel confident that concerns and burdens threaten to steal some of your peace and the joy it brings. I invite you to pray with me to the One able to give us true, abiding Peace.
Holiness is fundamental to who God is. But do we even know what being holy means? Join me for a quick look at what the Word says about His holiness and what it means for us.

What causes you to have a fear of missing out? Is it worth the stress or anxiety it causes? Let’s only fear that we will miss out on God's best for us and change our focus accordingly.
If you're like me you often sing hymns - especially the most familiar ones - without really considering the words. We short-change God in our worship times when we simply sing along, not taking in or truly professing the message.
I encourage you to take a few moments to lean into this favorite hymn about the cross and consider the powerful truths Isaac Watts wanted to convey over 300 years ago.
God isn't just great as our childhood meal-time prayer tells us, but He is greater than anyone or anything. He is the greatest!