It’s time for another installment of Worship God Because…But when I had it almost ready to post, the Lord changed my direction on “holy.” So stay tuned for that.
Today I’m writing in response to a question of a friend’s friend on Facebook recently regarding Bible “mapping.”
I have not investigated this method in depth but have found a method that really helps me dig into the Word. It may sound like a version of Bible mapping.
So here is a list of resources and a quick overview of the method I use for personal Bible study and to prepare for teaching each week.
First, I think it is important to consider our goals for studying God's word. Click here for a post I wrote on our women's Bible study site about some of the goals of Bible study.
Second, think of your Bible study as digging for treasure. It is the greatest treasure we have! Through the Holy Spirit, anyone who has trusted Christ for salvation can hear God's voice through the Bible. Yet with some tools that are available to us because of the hard work of others, we can go even deeper to dig more. Click here for a list of tools I use. Certainly, there are more.
Click here for a list of the six steps Jen Wilkin details in her book (see list of resources). I HIGHLY recommend her book and the method. I have tried others that are similar, but her book explains the significance of each one.
I encourage you to resist only mapping one verse at a time. Bible study is best done in larger chunks - either a whole chapter (remember, these chapter divisions came later - not in the original manuscript) or a section of related verses. These sections are often titled in a study Bible.
I know that God responds when we seek Him (see Jeremiah 29:13 among others). I pray your study will always lead you to deeper intimacy with Him.