What Causes You FOMO?

What Causes You FOMO?
What causes you to have a fear of missing out?  Is it worth the stress or anxiety it causes?  Let’s only fear that we will miss out on God's best for us and change our focus accordingly.

Worship God Because He Is Greatest

Worship God Because He Is Greatest
God isn't just great as our childhood meal-time prayer tells us, but He is greater than anyone or anything.  He is the greatest!

Praise the Lord - No If’s, And’s or But’s

Praise the Lord - No If’s, And’s or But’s
“How do you feel when you give someone a gift and they say, ‘Thank you, but I already have that?’ Or, ‘Thank you, but I don’t like xyz?’” I don’t like it.  My gift is greatly devalued and I’m either frustrated the person wasn’t more thankful or I am embarrassed. I thank the Lord that He is regularly teaching me about prayer. 

Are You Letting a Checklist Ruin Your Focus?

Are You Letting a Checklist Ruin Your Focus?
Checklists are great - unless they keep you from the proper focus.

Be Amazed by Christ Again!

Be Amazed by Christ Again!
It's easy to be critical of that diverse group of men chosen to be Jesus' closest followers when they exclaim AGAIN that Jesus is the Son of God.  But aren't we the same in many ways?

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